Alexander Kraus
Co-founder & Co-CEO at ADV+
Alexander is one of the Co-Founders and CEO of ADVplus. Following his experience as a Marketing Expert for the Facebook SMB DACH Market, he founded ADV+ with former colleagues. Besides running performance marketing Ads specialized on Facebook and Instagram, Alexander gives coaching, mentorship and is the Head of the DACK, Benelux and English Market for ADV+ and continuously trying to help companies boost the business online. Alex grew up in Germany and has spent most of his time there before moving to Lisboa in March 2016.
Check out the schedule
Morning Snack
Morning Snack for the early birds
09:30Opening Speech
by Miguel Salvado
10:00Unscalable? Personal Branding in 2020: How To Build Your Brand and Make The Impact You Deserve
by Benno Sawitzki
Todays digital world gets more crowded every day. Often it seems to be impossible to push through the noise. How can I build a personal brand that sticks out of the crowd? How can I make sure my message gets heard and how can I attract the right customers, partners and employees for my business? Is a strong personal brand just something that comes naturally or can I follow a specific framework to grow and scale my brand?
10:10The Dark Side of Management
by Ricardo Parreira
Business is adapting to new standards of the digital age but managing a company still challenges any skilled decision-maker. Knowing how to resist The Dark Side of Management is imperative to successfully implement the best strategies for business growth.
10:50Globalization and International Business Development
by Pedro Hipólito
For centuries, international business meant sending a messenger horseback riding with a letter, or shipping goods on wooden sail boats. With the rise of telecommunications and the revolution of the Information Age, we’re currently living in the tipping point for international business and career, that’s why globalization should be everyone’s priority on a professional and personal level.
11:30How to Grow a Business in the New Economy – PANEL DISCUSSION
by Pedro F. Hipólito, Omid Asgari, Benno Sawitzki, Terra Milo (Moderator)
12:10Buffet Lunch
12:55Growth Hacks to Create a Global Company From Anywhere
by Pedro Santos
How DarwinLabs manages to sell to North America, Europe and Asia without leaving Portugal.
13:55How can Artificial Intelligence help to Grow and Scale your Business?
by Soraya Gadit
Artificial intelligence technologies are impacting the business world. “Artificial intelligence” is a broad and general term that refers to any type of computer software that engages in humanlike activities, including learning, planning and problem-solving. Today, artificial intelligence is a household name (and sometimes even a household presence – hi, Alexa!)
14:35How to Empower Managerial Decision Making to Grow Your Business
by Omid Asgari
Nowadays, organizations have lots of good ideas or initiatives, but they don’t have the resources to pursue all of them. Having a clear, transparent, and collaborative process for choosing the right actions is crucial for the success of the innovation initiatives.
14:55The Truth of Starting and Scaling an Online Business
by Rafic Daud
Lets peels back the curtain to reveal the truth of starting and scaling a successful business in the digital age, no holds barred.
15:25Nailing Kickstarter
by Bernardo Duque Carreira
Crowdfunding is a tough world. At the same time it provides magical opportunities for hardware companies to overcome huge manufacturing MOQs and raise money by selling their products before they exist. This presentation goes inside the bits and bolts of a campaign that raised $120k
15:55Learning from Case Studies on Conversational Marketing
by Filipe Mendes
The way we communicate is constantly changing. And businesses need to keep evolving. The way brands communicate with their clients has a growing new element: chat bots, which is AI at the service of brands, giving customers a sense of humanisation. It allows businesses to scale while saving time and resources. How have brands dealt with this new reality? What are the success stories? And the failures? What can we learn from them?
16:20Afternoon Snack
Afternoon Snack break.
16:40The Key to Longevity
by Terra MIlo
Starting a new business is exciting but if we want to create a business with longevity, we need to keep a few critical things in mind. Whether you’re creating a business to run yourself or to eventually sell, you want to stand out in the new economy.
17:00Building a profitable business with no investors, no capital and no experience
by Michael Heron
A lot of aspiring entrepreneurs who are thinking about starting a business are often held back from moving forward. They are usually worried about not being experienced enough, not having enough capital or backing from investors. In this presentation I will share my own experience of starting a b2b consultancy business in Portugal, and how it really is possible to achieve success without experience, investors or capital.
17:20You are in sales, We all are!
by Nuno Rodrigues Poço
As Reid Hoffman puts it, “if your first product doesn’t embarrass you, you’ve launched too late.”
Your entrepreneurial journey starts with your first customer, and with doing stuff that doesn’t scale. It’s hard work, and sales is part of it.
Understand why and how you’ll be better prepared than your competition by focusing on selling from day one.”
Shooting to the Stars – How we’ve started to work with Hollywood
by Nuno Fonseca
If you could choose any person or company to have as client of your company, who would you choose?
In our case, the dream client would be the Hollywood studios. This is the approach we followed to reach that unrealistic goal
Stop Measuring “How Many” and Focus on “How Good” (PRESENTATION)
by Fateme Banishoeib
In a world constantly measuring “how many” likes, employees, followers, you name it, what if instead you could focus on “how good”? We have grown the obsession to scale up. What scaling really means? Fateme will guide you through a more human focus on scaling.
10:30Should You Scale Your Business? (PANEL DISCUSSION)
Speaker 1: Fateme Banishoeib.
Speaker 2: Terra Milo.
Moderator: Pedro Lemos.
11:00Strategize. Streamline. Scale. (PRESENTATION)
by Rhiannon Leila
This presentation will cover the benefits of automation and when to streamline your business. It will also teach you how to keep a personal touch while maximizing your time and the steps you can take to successfully implement automation processes in order to scale your business.
11:40Branding for Scale (PRESENTATION)
by Donna Longhurst Jackson
Donna Longhurst Jackson is a renowned branding expert and she will be speaking about branding, both personal and corporate, and how it defines success and relates to scaling. How to find clients and pitch for financing. The journey from start up to Scaling.
Mistakes to Avoid When Building Business Sales Function
by Chad Spain
Chad Spain, Consulting Partner at Whitten & Roy Partnership, LLC will let us know about the 5 mistakes we often see companies make when building the sales function of their business.
13:50The Messy Truth About Scaling a Business (PRESENTATION)
by Dakini Alexandra Isenegger
The reality is that it’s never been easier to start a business, and never been harder to scale. Dakini will share her experience, challenges, and answer questions from the audience.
14:00Digital Marketing Tools to Scale Up Your Business (PRESENTATION)
by Dr. Rodrigo Perez-Vega
Insights on how digital marketing tools can be used to scale up your business.
14:20Marketing to Scale Up Your Business (PANEL DISCUSSION)
Speaker 1: Dr Rodrigo Perez-Vega.
Speaker 2: Dakini Alexandra Isenegger.
Moderator: Terra Milo.
14:40The Most Common Mistakes People Make at Times of Scaling (PRESENTATION)
by Deborah Dahab
Identify some of the most common mistakes people make at times of scaling.
15:20Coworking as the new blitzscaling platform (PRESENTATION)
by Nuno Guilherme
Coworking as the new blitzscaling platform.
15:40How Local Connections Can Help Online Businesses Thrive And Scale (PANEL DISCUSSION)
by Nuno Guilherme and Deborah Dahab
Nuno will talk about co-working and Deborah helps people with the psychology of being an entrepreneur.
Speaker 1: Nuno Guilherme
Speaker 2: Deborah Dahab
Moderator: David Ganço
16:00How to Boost Your Business Via Social Media Marketing (PRESENTATION)
by Alexander Kraus
Learn how to grow and scale your business with Instagram and Facebook ads. What and how is the Facebook Family offering to companies to reach their preferred and new audiences via Social Media. Learn about different marketing campaigns and their Ad Formats.
17:00Social Media: The Current State of the Internet (PANEL DISCUSSION)
About the social media supremacy and how to make it work for your business.
Speaker 1: Alexander Kraus
Speaker 2: Rodrigo Perez-Vega
Moderator: Miguel Salvado
Why Hire a Coding Bootcamp Graduate to Work in Your Business (PRESENTATION)
Startup life is rough, limited time, staff and resources. Success is based on the team you hire, that do more with less.
18:00Bigger Is Not Always Better (PRESENTATION)
by Solonia Teodros
How should companies decide whether they need to get bigger? While conventional wisdom has taught us bigger is better, the decision to grow or scale your business comes down to how founders define success, what really matters, and how to work within those parameters. Solonia Teodros, co founder of The Change School, will share her journey of building, growing and transforming a Singapore-based startup into an online business, and key lessons learned along the way.