Anabolic steroid misuse

Anabolic steroid misuse

Once you have successfully detoxed from steroids, you may undergo addiction therapy. Therapy in rehab aims at building your confidence, improving your well-being, and teaching you effective coping mechanisms and management techniques that can ultimately help to prevent relapse. Although withdrawal from steroids isn’t generally considered severe, you may wish to undergo a medically-assisted detox with medical professionals.

  • You can easily become psychologically dependent on anabolic steroid use (meaning you develop an increased tendency to keep taking the drug even in spite of possible harmful effects).
  • You might also notice symptoms such as enlarged breasts or rapid muscle gain.
  • In professional sport, most organisations ban anabolic steroid use and test competitors for banned steroids.
  • This mental disorder tends to get worse, the longer a person is abusing anabolic steroids to help them achieve the desired look.

For example, someone who takes anabolic steroid injections for bodybuilding or uses them off prescription will have an increased risk of dangerous mental and physical side effects when drinking alcohol. Steroids are drugs that mimic certain natural hormones in the body that regulate and control how the body works and develops. There are two main groups of natural steroids – anabolic steroids and corticosteroids. It is the anabolic steroids that tend to be misused, mainly because they are similar to the male hormone testosterone and they can improve endurance and performance and stimulate muscle growth.

How do people take it?

Anabolic steroids can be used as performance-enhancing drugs that increase muscle mass and decrease fat, as well as causing many undesirable effects. Some people take them regularly to improve their physical performance and how to order steroids online safely build up their bodies. If you have a co-morbid condition like muscle dysmorphia, depression or anxiety, you will probably need ongoing treatment. This might include specialist therapy or medication for a period of time.

It is thought that steroids activate neurotransmitters within the brain’s pleasure centres, causing dopamine to be released. Dopamine production also stimulates the reward centre of the brain. You might also notice that when you stop taking steroids you experience an overwhelming urge to take them again. Even when you are experiencing negative side effects from your use, you will feel a pull that can prove impossible to resist.

Are anabolic steroids illegal?

Anabolic steroids, although available on prescription, are often taken illegally without medical instruction. People abuse anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass, improve athletic performance, and improve their physical appearance. Among the negative effects of anabolic steroids, withdrawal symptoms can be particularly severe.

Every residential rehab programme begins with a clinical detox to help you withdraw from steroids with minimum distress. We will tailor medication and nutritional supplements to suit your individual needs. You should see a GP if you think you’re addicted to anabolic steroids.


Corticosteroids, such as prednisolone, are a different type of steroid altogether. Because there is a range of steroid addiction treatment options out there, it can be tough to know what’s best for you and your situation. Abusing steroids can cause serious side effects, and lead to steroid addiction.

Anabolic Steroids/ Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

Anabolic steroids are classified as class C drugs, meaning they are prescription-only, but they are readily available illegally online or via social media. The length of time it takes to detox depends on a variety of factors, including the severity of your addiction, the length of time you’ve been using steroids, and your medical history. If you’re a long-term steroid user, then it can take over a month for the substance to leave your system completely. If you are dependent on steroids, you’ll experience withdrawal symptoms when you suddenly stop taking them, or when you drastically lower the dose your body is used to.

The Dangers of Steroid Abuse

If someone tests positive they can be disqualified from competing for certain periods of time, or even banned for life. They may get paranoid, or may experience dramatic mood swings; and even violence can occur alongside strong feelings of aggression. Some younger people use them to try and look more attractive, despite risking the negative effects on their looks. So, you might feel compelled to look in the mirror, believing it will help you spot and fix problems with your body.

Anabolic androgenic steroids are the same as anabolic steroids – however, the androgenic component refers to the fact that this type of steroid stimulates male characteristics. Steroid misuse can include both anabolic steroids and corticosteroids. Read on to learn more about corticosteroids and anabolic steroids, and the key differences between the two.

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